Monday, July 4, 2011

Friends or Frogs

Friends, the real ones, are discreet accomplices who are on your wavelength and share vibes and sense of humor.
They don't monopolize your attention with their issues and don't even ask how you are. They give and ask for NOTHING in return. They are there when you need them.
They know empathy, they know love. You can trust them, they won't tell on or about you. Ever. They won't judge you because they know what it's like to be judged, and they love you enough not to put you through that.
Friends don't need to be on your Facebook wall or in your Twitter list. They might, but they certainly don't need to.
Friends don't need benefits. They don't exploit situations. They don't use you as a cover, a third wheel, a substitute. They respect you enough not to ask, either.
Friends and money are an oxymoron. When money gets into a friendship, both are lost. Beyond repair. 
Friends forgive. They don't necessarily forget, but they do forgive. Forgetting means not having learned a lesson.
Friends accept each other, but if they see you going towards a precipice, they feel the moral duty to warn you. You can listen or not, but they warn you.
Friends don't treat you like inferiors, brag about what they have, or exhibit lack of respect and arrogance. If you see any of these creeping in your friendship, then the friendship is not for real.
Friends might disappear for a while because you never know what can happen in life, but they always come back. 
Last, but not least: Friends are there for a reason that you only will see in hindsight.
If you have a friend like this, you have the Real Deal. If not, you have Frogs in your life, not friends.

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