Tuesday, June 7, 2011

NarzissUndGoldmund - If you know them, they won't kill you.

I'm going to start writing on narcissism, The Narcissism Epidemic, and how to survive it (for the wallflowers among us - are there any? HELLO?) or simply how to recognize yourself, look in the pool of water, and fall in love all over a-gain....

Before I start, I am NOT a narcissist according to the Official Narcissistic Personality Disorder test (whether this test has any scientific validity, I have no clue - but results seem pretty accurate, given the extent of my self-appreciation). I scored 7 out of a 30 +, and the narcissistic tendencies start to appear if you score 15. So there.

But now it's about collecting the many thoughts and organizing them decently. Because Narcissus is one thing, but Narziss is another, and when I read the Hesse novel in my youth, I certainly felt more akin to Narziss the neurotic, OCD abbot in the monastery, then to naturechild, proto-hippy Goldmund...

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